Our goal is to provide you with the best buying experience possible with honesty and a commitment to help anyone with a vehicle that fits your needs. We have financing options available for everyone. Guaranteed credit approval for bank financing that is a great option to build or repair credit.
Also check out our Lease’T’Own (Rent'T'Own) program for lower upfront cost with affordable payments with included vehicle insurance coverage. Used Car Leasing allows customers to pay for the periodic use of a car with the option to purchase it or return it at any time, for any reason, without penalty. Lease’T’Own® is the registered trademark name used to describe our Used Car Leasing Program.
We are a family-owned small used car and repair dealership with over 30 years of experience. We provide our customers with a commitment to make you feel as part of family. If you are in the market for a used vehicle or in need of repairs to your existing vehicle, we are committed to helping you to best of our ability.